Short Summary

The company operates in the field of card technology and was established in 2010. Now we are having about 50 regular customers. With a record of achieving many major awards and meeting strict standards of international organizations, our company confidently implements plans to expand oversea markets.

Business Overview

The company has stable revenue with a young ang dynamic staff, as well as enthusiastic, young and creative managers. Our company achieved many great awards in the field of card business (VISA card, chip card). Overseas market expansion is underway.

Products & Services Overview

Magnetic card, Chip card, VISA card.

Facilities Overview

Headquarter in Hanoi and representative office in Ho Chi Minh City, factory.


Business Loan
USD 1,300,000
Established From
Legal Entity
Joinstock Companies
Sales Last Year
USD 4,300,000
Current Sales Monthly
USD 358,000
14.00 %
Viet Nam, Viet Nam
Listed By
Please note: Investing in early stage businesses involves risks, including illiquidity, lack of dividends, loss of investment and dilution, and it should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. This platform is targeted solely at investors who are sufficiently sophisticated to understand these risks and make their own investment decisions. This information has not been approved as a financial promotion, and you must carry out your own due diligence.